Lightweight Land Rover Club - Membership

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Members of the Association of Land Rover Clubs


We are always delighted to welcome new members whether you’ve currently got a Lightweight, are searching for one or just love the marque.

To apply for Membership, please fill in our application form, sending payment to:

Lightweight Land Rover Club
Membership Secretary – Graham Short
61, Yockley Close,

Or make payment via PayPal:



  • Membership subscriptions run for 12 months from date of receipt
  • Joining fee £3.00
  • Annual Full Membership fee £20.00
  • Associate (Joint) Membership fee £5.00 (For Spouse/Partner living at same address)
  • Overseas Membership £25.00
  • Payable by cheque/postal order to: LIGHTWEIGHT LAND ROVER CLUB 

Data Protection Statement: Any details you supply to the Club will be retained in the form of paper records and computer files. In accordance with the Data Protection Act the contents of these records will only be used in confidence by Club Officers of The Lightweight Land Rover Club and will not be disclosed or distributed to any person other than Club Officers  of The Lightweight Land Rover Club without your permission.

Join Our Club!

Learn the benefits of becoming a paid member of the Lightweight Land Rover Club, then sign up and pay via our application form.

Membership Registration

Upcoming events

Club history

Lightweight history

